Empowering you with tools for a better tomorrow

Patient Portal





Empowering you with tools for a better tomorrow

Patient Portal





Empowering you with tools for a better tomorrow

Patient Portal

In the digital age, support and guidance are just a click away with Positive Development Psychology’s (PDP) online therapy services. We are bringing therapeutic care into your Westchester home, making mental health support accessible no matter where you are or how busy your schedule might be.


Embracing the Digital Space for Therapy

Online therapy breaks down the barriers that can make it challenging to attend traditional therapy. There is no need to worry about commuting times or fitting appointments into a hectic day. PDP’s online therapy is about meeting you and/or your child or teen where you are, both physically and emotionally. It is therapy that fits into your life, not the other way around.


PDP’s Online Therapy: Your Bridge to Better Mental Health

Our online therapy services are designed to create connections that are just as strong and effective as those made in person. We also use secure video platforms that help protect your privacy. Whether your child is dealing with anxiety, depression, or just needs someone to talk to, our therapists are here to provide the same level of care and support online as they would in any traditional setting.


Key Benefits of PDP’s Online Therapy:

    • Effectiveness: Research shows that teletherapy is effective for addressing many mental health challenges.
    • Real-life practice: Practice strategies with the support of your therapist outside of an office setting. 
    • Flexibility: Access a range of therapy services, including individual, group, and family sessions. For children and adolescents, sessions incorporate engaging, age-appropriate therapeutic activities adapted to their developmental needs.
    • Accessibility: Connect with professional therapists from anywhere in Westchester, without the need for travel.
    • Convenience: Schedule sessions at times that fit your busy lifestyle, including early morning, lunchtime, after-school, or evening appointments.
    • Comfort: Engage in therapy from the privacy and comfort of your own home.
    • Continuity: Maintain regular therapeutic support even during times when in-person sessions are not possible.


The Ease of Accessible, Flexible Online Sessions

The flexibility of online therapy means that help is always within reach. It can be especially beneficial for those with mobility issues, busy parents, or individuals who simply prefer the comfort of their own space. With PDP, you will find that our online sessions can adapt to your child’s needs, offering a personalized approach to therapy that is both helpful and convenient.


Experience the Support of Online Therapy

We invite you to experience the convenience and effectiveness of online therapy with PDP. Whether you are exploring therapy for your child or teen for the first time, or looking for a more adaptable approach to your ongoing therapy, our online services are here to provide the support you need. Reach out to us to discover how our online therapy sessions can offer you the flexibility and care you deserve.